From left to right: Renato, Luiz, Juliana, Clarisse and Rafael
We are five authors. Clarisse and Renato have supervised the PhD dissertations presented by Luiz, Rafael and Juliana at the Department of Informatics at PUC-Rio in April 2015. But the quintet decided they could not say goodbye just then. So, they decided to tell their story in this book, which they hope you will enjoy reading as much as they have enjoyed writing. Here is more about them:
Clarisse is a full professor at the Department of Informatics (DI) at PUC-Rio. She was professionally trained as a translator and conference interpreter, but after several years of practice in this profession she decided to make an academic turn. She completed her PhD in Computational Linguistics in 1988 and joined DI shortly after. Clarisse has followed a truely interdisciplinary research path in her career. Her major achievement has been Semiotic Engineering, originally a semiotic theory of HCI, but now - thanks to her collaboration with the co-authors of this book - a developing semiotic approach to HCC.
To learn more about Clarisse, please visit her homepage »
Renato is Senior Research Manager and Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM Research Brazil. Prior to joining IBM, Renato was professor at the Department of Informatics at PUC-Rio, and researcher at Tecgraf/PUC-Rio. He started his career working on frameworks and programming tools to build graphical user interfaces, but very early he started to work on component-based software engineering applied to distribute systems and pervasive computing. Later, he started to work on HCC, with a special focus on pragmatics of programming languages and tools. More recently, already working at IBM, he has been working on Cognitive Systems Engineering. SigniFYI consolidates the main results of his recent work.
To learn more about Renato, please visit his homepage » at IBM Research Brazil
Luiz Marques Afonso received his bachelor's degree in Informatics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 1996, and the MSc degree in Informatics from PUC-Rio in 2008, under Renato's supervision. His PhD in PUC-Rio was co-supervised by Clarisse and Renato. His research centers on usability and communicability factors in API use and design. As for his technical career, Luiz is a software developer with many years of experience in programming, software design, and software security. He works for 3Elos, an IT company specialized in Information Security, where he is also a partner.
Rafael is a multidisciplinary researcher at IBM Research Brazil, currently focused on knowledge modeling and the use of technologies such as Cognitive Computing and Cloud Computing in the context of natural resources. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from PUC-Rio investigating data acquisition and structuring from qualitative analyses through a ubiquitous software infrastructure. He was co-supervised by Clarisse and Renato. Previously, his Masters studies had focused on aspects of multimedia authoring on DTV middleware environments with multiple mobile devices.
To learn more about Rafael, please visit his homepage » at IBM Research Brazil.
Juliana is Research Staff Member at IB< Research Brazil. She is currently working with the Visual Analytics & Comprehension Research Group. She holds a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction. Her doctoral research at SERG was supervised by Clarisse de Souza and Renato Cerqueira. Her focus was on human-centered computing and the communicability of software models and modeling tools.
To learn more about Juliana, please visit her homepage » at IBM Research Brazil.
Last updated on November 30, 2018