The Semiotic Engineering Research Group

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Welcome to the Semiotic Engineering Research Group at PUC-Rio

With chapters by
Winograd, Bannon,
Bødker, Fischer,
Blackwell, Nadin,
Cypher, Edmonds,
Prates and Leitão
The Semiotic Engineering Research Group (SERG), established in 1996, is a world reference center in the field of Computer Semiotics. Here we have created and have been evolving Semiotic Engineering.

Since January 2020, we are part of Ideias (Investigações sobre o Design de Interação e Avaliação de Sistemas) », one of the research laboratories of the Departament of Informatics » at PUC-Rio ».

To learn more about SERG and its role in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, especially in Brazil, visit ou live historical documentation captured in December of 2019.

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